10 Interesting Sphynx cat facts
From naked to pot bellies here are the 10 interesting sphynx cat facts that you should know about.
Sphynx cats are very ugly looking but they have the cutest charisma to attract your eyes also they have coat which makes them soft to touch. Many of the sphynx have been considers for entertainment purpose and to draw evil attention like in the movie Austin Powers which make people think they are bad, but that is not the case. This cats are beutiful in their very own nature and are helpers in the time of need.
They also have pot bellies which is the key point for their double stomach as compared to other cats.
This cats doesn't look cuddly, but they love to cuddle. Shpynx do this to attract other people(Mostly owner's) attention.
They also requires high maintenance as they don't have fur because of the oils produced is not easily observed.
This cats needs a high care for their survival. So, if you are thinking of having them for your home then do check their sensitivity issues.
This video covers all the interesting facts about sphynx cats.